Survey Virtual World Heritage 360
AB Audiola in Karlskrona and the international EU-project DUNC ( at Karlskrona Municipality have during spring 2020 developed the product The Virtual World Heritage 360 to make parts of Karlskrona's World Heritage more accessible.

We would like to know what you think of the product and would be glad if you can help us by giving the survey a few minutes of your time.

Have a nice summer!  
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Please enter your age *
Please enter your nationality *
In my opinion, the quality of the product is high *
I believe that the product is environmental sustainable (harmless to nature) *
I notice a connection between the product and Karlskrona's World Heritage *
The product taught med something new about Karlskrona's World Heritage *
I am satisfied with my experience of the product *
I would like to visit more of the World Heritage Sites in the Baltic Sea Region *
I would recommend the product to others *
I would like to use the product again *
What is your relation to the World Heritage Site Karlskrona *
I believe it is a good idea to make World Heritages more accessible through new techniques *
I probably would not have had the opportunity to visit Lindholmen in Karlskrona without this product/technique *
I find the product innovative *
I would like to see more parts of Karlskrona's World Heritage presented in 360-video and VR (virtual reality) *
Other comments or feedback
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