Survey to Establish Values-based Education for Sustainable Development

Hi! My name is Vicky Huang and I am writing my thesis on how to incorporate sustainability within the education system.

Climate change presents a multifaceted crisis that needs solutions from all levels and societal members. Educators hold a very valuable opportunity to play a direct role in the resiliency of a generation, and it is only with quality education that the roots of the climate crisis can be tackled.

This survey is the first of a two-part survey series, and aims to establish how much support and willingness there would be to adopt a Values-based Education for Sustainable Development (VbESD) framework, a framework for sustainability education. This survey also aims to explore what perceived barriers are present, and obtain feedback for important elements to include in the framework.

I would be so grateful if you can dedicate 20-30 minutes of your time to complete this survey.

Your answers will help me build a working model for Values-based Education for Sustainable Development (VbESD). Once built, I will present the VbESD framework and there will be a second survey to re-evaluate its support and interest, having seen the framework. More details will be given at the end of the survey.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary at all times. Your responses and data will be used only for purposes relating to VbESD, and you will remain anonymous in any reporting of results. You may submit and/or edit your responses until Monday September 20th, 2021. You may go back and edit your responses before you submit - Google Forms will save your responses as long as you are signed into your Google Account.

This survey is a component of a thesis titled "Values-based Education for Sustainable Development: Building a Pedagogical Framework for the Education of Sustainable Development using a Values-based Education Approach" by Ruoxi (Vicky) Huang within the Masters of the Management of Sustainable Development Goals (MSDG) program at LUMSA university.

For any inquiries, you may contact me at :)
You may also find more information about my thesis here:

If you'd like to share this survey, you can find a blurb and images here:
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