Forest Grove Elementary School: Pre-Registration for NEW STUDENT Enrollment
Pre-Registration Form for New Students to the Pacific Grove Unified School District (PGUSD).

Note: This form is intended to be completed for NEW STUDENTS ONLY (not for students who are currently attending or have attended PGUSD schools in the past). Please DO NOT complete this form if your student(s) has/have been attending PGUSD schools.  If you have multiple children who will be attending PGUSD schools for the first time, please complete one form per student. You can visit the other school website(s) to access the pre-registration form for that school.
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Email *
PGUSD Attendance Boundary: In order to attend PGUSD schools, a student must live with a parent or legal guardian who resides within the district boundaries.
For which school year do you intend to register your student(s) at this time? *
Student Information
Student's Last Name *
Student's Middle Name
Student's First Name *
Student's Birth Date *
Student's Gender *
Student's Entering Grade *
The grade level that the student will be attending next year
Has your student ever attended any PGUSD K-12 School before? *
 If you answered "yes" to the previous question, what was the most recent year of attendance?
If you have multiple children planning on attending PGUSD schools next year, please provide their names and grade levels below.
Does your student receive Special Education services? *
Does your student have a current IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) and/or 504 plan?
Check all that apply or leave empty.
Has your student ever been suspended or expelled from a previous school? *
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please provide a brief explanation of the circumstances of the suspension or expulsion.
Previous School Attended *
If your student has previously attended school, please provide the name of the school, city, and state where that school is located.
Household Contact Information
Primary Contact First and Last Name *
The Primary Contact is the student's parent/guardian who's primarily responsible for communicating with and providing/receiving information to/from the school and/or district.
Primary Contact Phone *
Primary Contact Address *
Note: The primary contact parent/guardian should reside in the Pacific Grove attendance boundary.
PGUSD Attendance Boundary
Primary Contact Email *
Secondary Contact First and Last Name
Can be the other parent/guardian
Secondary Contact Phone
Secondary Contact Email
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