SantasLittleHelpers 2022 Mod Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a moderator for SantasLittleHelpers! 

We are currently setting up for the 2022 Christmas Season and have the greatest need for those with web development or Reddit Automod coding experience (or willing to learn). As we open up registration for the season, we will also need moderators to assist with:
  • vetting and reviewing registrations or wish lists
  • assisting registrants with troubleshooting how to register and setting up wish lists properly
  • tracking contests and contest winners
  • creating instructional videos or hosting Reddit talks for registration assistance
We are looking for moderators across time zones and locations.

Note: Moderators are not allowed to apply for Christmas assistance, and are prohibited from entering and winning contests unless specifically allowed by the Contest Host.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Reddit User Name without the u/ *
What hours are you online for subreddit moderation and/or other moderating tasks? (i.e. how many hours per day/week would you be able to commit to moderating activities?) *
What time zone are you in? *
What skills do you have or would be able to contribute as a moderator? *
Do you have any special talents we should know about?
Why would you like to be a moderator for SantasLittleHelpers? *
How have you participated in SantasLittleHelpers? *
Have you received assistance from any other subs on Reddit on your current or a previous account?  *
This does not disqualify you; just need full disclosure.
Are you a moderator for other subreddits? *
If yes, please explain your mod experience
Do you have any questions or concerns for the current mod team?
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