Sponsor a Classroom
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a classroom! your $300 sponsorship will provide 25 diverse books, bookmarks for students, and an author read-aloud session to a school in need.  Please fill out the form below, and we will follow up with you to finalize the sponsorship.  For any questions  contact us at contact@paulaybanks.com
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Name/ Business Name:  *
Email  *
Please enter the product number
Phone Number *
Would you like to sponsor as an individual or a business? *
Choose size and number per color
If sponsoring as a business, would you like your  logo included on the thank you materials?  *
Which book collection would you like to sponsor?  *
Would you prefer your sponsorship to go to: *
Would you like to be recognized as sponsor on our website/social media?  *
Preferred Payment Method (We will follow up with details) *
Notes or Comments: *
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