Walendy Scholarship Application
The Walendy Scholarship was formed in honor of Ingrid Walendy, a volunteer who was passionate about everyone having the opportunity to participate in adaptive sports. While our program fee's cover less than 20% of the actual cost of a lesson, we recognize that this can still present a barrier for participation for some. Please be honest in your answers. We wish all to be able to participate.
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Full address *
Name of Student *
What is the students primary disability? *
Has the student participated with Adaptive Sports at Mount Snow in the past? *
If yes, when as the last time the student participated in an ASMS event or lesson?
Does the student participate in other adaptive sport activities? *
What activity is the student wishing to apply a scholarship to? Be as specific as possible. *
What specific goal will participation in the program help accomplish and how? Please be specific. *
How much is the student asking to recieve through scholarship? (please list percentage of fee or dollar amount) *
Has the student recieved a scholarship through the Walendy Fund before? *
If yes, what year and for what activity did the student recieve the scholarship?
Does the student qualify for the free or reduced lunch program at school? (qualification is not neccessary for eligibility for scholarship) *
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