Iterative Venture - Deal Submission Form
Thank you for bringing your deal to Iterative Venture!  Please fill out the form below with information about the opportunity, so we can evaluate it.

If you have already completed due diligence and the deal is ready for investment, you can note that in the below form.  If not, no worries!  Want to try leading due diligence yourself?  You get the first shot.  Would you rather just leave the opportunity open to the community for someone else to pick up?  You can do that too.
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What is the name of the company? *
What does the company do / what problems do they solve?
[Optional] share the company's website
What stage is the company?
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Are you a member of the founding team?
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[Optional] If Yes above, what is your role? (e.g. Founder/ Co-founder) And how long have you been working on this start-up?
If No above, have you met the founders of the company? *
[Optional] What is your relationship with the company?  How did you meet them?  How much time have you spent with the team?
What makes you excited about this investment?  Why do you think we should syndicate it?
[Optional] Can you share any other details about the company's traction (e.g. sales, product development) or any key information that informs the investment?
Do you know the deal terms?  If so, what are they? (if not, you can simply write 'No')
What due diligence have you already done on the company?  Please link to a Google doc if possible. (if none, just put n/a)
Do you want to write a full due diligence memo or have someone else in the community do so?
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When do you expect this deal to close by?
What are ways that the syndicate can support the company beyond funding?
If you decide to be a Sponsor of this deal, you are expected to invest a minimum of $2,500 for the deal. Please acknowledge.
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[Optional] Is there anything else we should know?
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