Find Your Feet Co.  // Wellness Community
Hi, sweet friend! Thank you for your interest in Find Your Feet Community! I am so happy you're here!

This form is simply a point of contact to ask any questions AND/OR apply to join the wellness community!

This wellness community has been up + running since November 2019 and I would be honored to add YOU to our sweet little wellness family. :-)

This form is for MY eyes only + helps me better understand YOU and your goals to either provide me with more information OR get you started and IN our wellness community! I can't wait to hear from YOU!
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
What is your first + last name?
What is your email?
Instagram Handle / FB Name / Phone Number OR any other form of contact you'd like to use to chat!
Are you interested in MORE INFORMATION or JOINING  Find Your Feet Community?
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What does your current fitness routine look like? (Gym/Yoga/Running/BBG/TIU/Pinterest Workouts/ Nothing At the Moment?)
Share why you are interested in Find Your Feet Community, your goals, and/or your struggles!
What questions do YOU have?
Are you already working with a coach? If so, please refer back to them! :)
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