Nahimana Forest Adoption Application
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Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Preferred Phone Number *
Email Address *
Preferred Method of Communication *
Occupation *
Do you work
Of our adoptable friends, in which kittens are you most interested?
Please describe your dream feline companion. Please help us understand any specific characteristics or personality traits you're looking for. *
How many people currently reside in your household? *
What are the ages of any children living in the household? *
Are you adopting the kitten for yourself, or someone else?  If not yourself, for whom? *
Who will be responsible for the kitten's care? *
Where do you live? *
Do you rent or own? *
If you rent, please provide name and contact information for your landlord or rental agency.
I want my furry friend(s) to be *
On most days, how long will your furry friend(s) be left alone? *
Will you be moving within the next 5 years?
Please describe any other pets living in the household. (Name, breed, age, neutered/spayed) *
Please provide the name and contact information for your veterinarian.  *
Please provide the name and contact information for your personal reference.  *
Please share how you will introduce your new kitten to your home and any other animals living there. *
Would you like some video resources on this topic?
Will you have your cat declawed? *
Please share why you desire to bring a cat companion into your life. *
Cats can live up to 20 years. Are you prepared for that commitment through all the stages of your life? *
By signing this form, I/We acknowledge that all information on this form is true and correct. I/We understand that any misrepresentation of fact may result in Nahimana Forest refusing adoption privileges to me/us. Please sign and date by typing your name. *
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