Building Leaders of Color (BLOC) Orlando Training
We welcome you to join us for the upcoming Building Leaders of Color (BLOC) training! BLOC's goals are to ensure that individuals who People of Color Living with HIV have the skills, knowledge, and access to fully participate and contribute in their local community, at ALL levels of decision making. It is required that individuals participating in the BLOC training self identify as a Person of Color who is also living with HIV.

Training Details: The BLOC training will be held on September 24th and 25th (10:00 AM- 4:00 PM) at The Florida Department of Health in Orange County- 832 W Central Blvd, Orlando FL 32805! Participants are required to attend both training days. Lunch and snacks will be provided!

If you self-identify as a Person of Color who is also living with HIV, please fill out the following information to the best of your ability. Registration closes 9 AM on Tuesday September 24, 2019.

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Correo *
Name *
Gender Pronouns *
Please describe your gender identity (e.g. cisgender man/woman, transgender man/woman, or non binary/non gender conforming)? *
Please describe your race and ethnicity (e.g. white, black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, etc.). *
Please describe your sexual orientation (e.g. gay, bisexual, queer, same gender loving, pansexual, etc.). *
HIV Status *
City of Residence *
County of Residence *
Zip Code *
Preferred Learning Style(s) *
Do you have any special considerations (learning, accessibility, etc.)? *
Do you have any food allergies? If yes, what are they? *
Do you have reliable transportation to and from the training? *
Are you able to attend both days of the BLOC Training (September 24 and 25)? *
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