Feedback on Recruiting 

"Hello everyone! Thanks for volunteering your time - it is much appreciated :) 

If this questionairre sounds interesting you - you can email me here:

Alternatively, you can also book a time on my Calendly, provided below. Looking forward to our conversation!"

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Have you ever experienced doubts when hiring someone, and later discovered your initial gut feeling was spot on?


Do you sometimes wish you had tangible, scientific proof to support your intuition about people? 

Do you have any hiring stories or nightmares you want to share?
Would you love to beta test a recruiting tool that can help you 10x your hiring decisions with AI & psychology?  *
Would you like to know more? If Yes, please give me a date and time, and I'll circle back and schedule a meeting. 
Would you like to be informed about the results of the survey at a later date? *
Alternatively, when you were applying to a job - would you have liked to know the psychometric profiles of your hiring manager & team, before you made a decision about joining them?

<For instance, you want to know whether you get a boss who will allow you to grow at your own speed or whether you get a boss who is more hands on? Or does the team really embrace remote working culture etc? >
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