McGill AR/VR Association Event Sign-Up Form
Curious about the Metaverse? Augmented reality? Virtual reality?

The McGill AR/VR Association (MARVRA) will be hosting an educational presentation on Wednesday, March 16th from 6:30 PM to 7:15 PM to demystify these emerging concepts. Come to breakthrough the noise and learn about:

(1) What the ‘Metaverse’ actually is and how it will emerge
(2) How to access the Metaverse with AR/VR technologies
(3) The implications of the Metaverse

Students from all backgrounds and areas of study are welcome. Register here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to
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First Name *
Last Name *
McGill Email *
Year *
What faculty are you in? *
How did you hear about our event? *
Are you interested in learning more about the opportunities MARVRA can offer you? *
How familiar are you with the concept of the Metaverse? (**No previous knowledge required for the event**) *
Note Very Familiar
Very Familiar
How familiar are you with immersive technology (augmented reality and virtual reality)?  (**No previous knowledge required for the event**) *
Note Very Familiar
Very Familiar
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