Asian-Australian Perspectives on the Future Australian Republic
Date: Friday 21st of March

Kathleen Syme Library
251 Faraday St, Carlton VIC 3053
Multipurpose Room 1

5:30pm Doors Open
6pm Conversation Panel Begins
7pm Conversation Panel Concludes
7:15pm Doors Close

Dr Mridula Nath Chakraborty served as the National Convener of the Asian Australian Studies Research Network (AASRN) from 2017-2022, and is a continuing board member of Southern Crossings. She teaches and researches on Asian, Indigenous, multicultural and postcolonial literary-cultural studies at Monash University. She is the editor of Being Bengali: at home and in the world (Routledge), a special issue of the Cordite Poetry Review on Dalit/Indigenous, a special issue on Asian Australian Identities, Embodiments and Inhabitations (Journal of Intercultural Studies 2021) and Asian Australians in the Melbourne Asia Review (2021). She writes for The Conversation frequently. She is also commissioning co-editor for Creative, Social and Transnational Perspectives on Translation (Taylor & Francis).

Yacinta Kurniasih is a multilingual poet, writer, Taekwondoer and academic staff currently teaches Indonesian  at Monash University. Yacinta has published Indonesian textbooks, books of poetry in Javanese, Indonesian and English. Outside Monash, Yacinta has been actively involved with Indonesian Community organisation, VILTA, AIYA, PPIA and a regular contributor for SBS Indonesian Program. Playing the role as Secretary General of MUNC in Indonesian Language since 2018 is her most treasured and fun role to date.

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