Location:Kathleen Syme Library
251 Faraday St, Carlton VIC 3053
Multipurpose Room 1
5:30pm Doors Open
6pm Conversation Panel Begins
7pm Conversation Panel Concludes
7:15pm Doors Close
Dr Mridula Nath Chakraborty served as the National Convener of the
Asian Australian Studies Research Network (AASRN) from 2017-2022, and is a continuing board member of
Southern Crossings. She teaches and researches on Asian, Indigenous, multicultural and postcolonial literary-cultural studies at Monash University. She is the editor of
Being Bengali: at home and in the world (Routledge), a special issue of the
Cordite Poetry Review on Dalit/Indigenous, a special issue on Asian Australian Identities,
Embodiments and Inhabitations (
Journal of Intercultural Studies 2021) and
Asian Australians in the
Melbourne Asia Review (2021). She writes for
The Conversation frequently. She is also commissioning co-editor for
Creative, Social and Transnational Perspectives on Translation (Taylor & Francis).