【環保觸覺慈善籌款】紙包盒回收推廣計劃 Green Sense Charity Event: Drink Carton Boxes Recycling Programme

- 港幣 3000 (支持紙包盒回收推廣計劃的教育活動—贊助本地學校獲得一次環保講座)
- 港幣 5000 (支持紙包盒回收推廣計劃的的教育活動及獲得本會的協助,安排在貴公司設置紙包飲品盒回收箱)

3. 完成付款

  A. 銀行過數
  中國銀行: 012-898-1-035864-8
  匯豐銀行: 112-247333-292

  B. 支票
  支票抬頭為「環保觸覺香港有限公司」 請將支票(背面註明「紙包盒回收推廣計劃」)

所有公司或團體捐款(港幣 3000或以上)皆獲得紙包飲品盒再造紙紀念狀一張,以示感謝!


Thank you for supporting Green Sense Charity Event: Drink Carton Boxes Recycling Programme. Please fill in this form to accomplish the donation.

There are two choices of donation amount:
- HK$3000 (supporting educational activities about Drink Carton Boxes Recycling—a free green talk to local school)
- HK$5000 (supporting educational activities about Drink Carton Boxes Recycling and Green Sense organize the set up Drink Carton Boxes Recycling Bin in the company.)

Payment Instructions:
1. Fill in this form
2. Waiting for confirmation email
3. Complete payment
  A. Bank Transfer
  Please send the bank-in slip with your name and contact number
  via email (info@greensense.org.hk) or fax (30119577)
  Bank Of China: 012-898-1-035864-8
  HSBC: 112-247333-292

  B. Cheque
  Cheque payable to "Green Sense HK Limited". Please send the cheque
  (written "Drink Carton" at the back), to PO Box 80710, Cheung Sha Wan Post Office

All companies and organization donating HK$3000 or above will receive a souvenir made of drink carton recycled paper for showing our gratitude.
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參加公司機構/團體 (英文) *
Name of company/organization in English (Full name will be shown on the receipt and souvenir)
參加公司機構/團體 (中文) (全名將於收據及感謝狀顯示)
Name of company/organization/in Chinese (If any)
聯絡人姓名 Contact Person *
建議填寫中文全名 Full name (Chinese or English)
聯絡人電話 Phone number (Office Hour) *
方便確認 For confirmation
聯絡人電郵 Email *
以確認申請 For email confirmation
捐款面額 Donation Amount *
報名費用付款方式 Payment Method *
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