Time Bank Community Supported Families Pilot 2020
Questions for families who will receive community support. Please note, this program is open to everyone who has had a baby (or foster placement or adoption) within the last 12 months, however, we'll be giving priority to families with babies born in the last 3 months. Membership (free) in the time bank is required.  
Helbide elektronikoa *
Your name *
What season would you like to participate?
Garbitu hautapena
Can you share your address for the sake of trying to match you with folks nearby? Must be in West County to participate.
Best phone number to contact you at during the program.
Please tell us a little about your family and when your baby arrived/will arrive.
In what ways will you need support from our community?
What support services do you need the most? We do our best to find time bankers that can provide the specific support that you are needing, but in order to make sure that your highest needs our met, please let us know the top 2 areas of support that you need most.
Are you comfortable receiving support through this project with someone of either gender?
Garbitu hautapena
What are you hoping to gain out of this experience?
What are your boundaries? Community support participants will respect boundaries and practice clear communication and receive consent.
What are your biggest challenges?
Is there anything you would like us to know about you or your family?
Garbitu inprimakia
Ez bidali pasahitzik Google Inprimakiak zerbitzuaren bidez.
Eduki hau ez du Google-k sortu edo babestu. Eman erabilera okerren berri - Zerbitzu-baldintzak - Pribatutasun-gidalerroak