Student Wellness Center (SWC) Conference Room Reservation Requests

The Student Wellness Center (SWC) is operated utilizing student fees. Therefore any room reservations outside of internal operating needs must be aligned with furthering providing quality integrated healthcare to fees paying students and/or be offset by service charges for approved use. Our pilot reservation program is effective in January 2024.

Please use this form to request use of our 1st floor conference room.  Please review all room & reservation details prior to submission.  Direct questions to Complete this form 2-3 weeks prior to your event. 

Email *
Requestor Name *
Email *
Phone *
Event Date *
Organization/Department *
Start Time: *
Please enter the start time of your reservation. This should include any set up time that you need. (ie you might need 10:30AM start time for an 11AM event)
End Time *
Attendees *
The majority of the event attendees will be:
Group Size *
What is the anticipated attendance at this meeting?
Event Description *
Briefly tell us about the purpose of the event you are considering.
Do you plan to have Food/Catering during your event? *
Additional Comments 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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