Project SEARCH Guelph Information Night

We are pleased to share with you that we will be hosting a Project SEARCH Information Night on Tuesday, February 6 from 6:30 - 8 p.m. at the University of Guelph Room UC 442.

Beginning in September 2024, Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Catholic District School Board students with disabilities will have the exciting opportunity to gain skill building opportunity through Project SEARCH at the University of Guelph.

We ask that you please RSVP for the evening below!

  • If you are a WCDSB student and unable to make this date, please reach out to Jeff Mawhinney ( for more information on the program.
  • If you are a UGDSB student and unable to make this information session, please reach out to April King (  for more information on the program.

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Student Name *
Student Email *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
School *
Number of People Attending Information Night *
How did you hear about this Information Night? *
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Ta obrazec je bil ustvarjen v domeni Wellington Catholic District School Board. Prijavite zlorabo