Center Summer Theatre Camp 2024
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Correo *
Camps *
Please check each camp your child is attending this summer.
Camper Last Name *
Camper First Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Phone Number (parent/guardian) *
Address *
Camper birthdate *
Camper school *
Camper t-shirt size *
Additional parent/guardian name
Additional parent/guardian phone number
Other emergency contact name (non parent/guardian) *
Emergency contact phone number *
Camper allergies *
Additional pick-up individuals (Write n/a if only parent/guardians/emergency contacts are authorized) *
How did you hear about camp? *
Do you consent to the photo release for your camper?  *
Imagen sin leyenda
Please note: Camper registration is not complete until payment has been made. Shrek,  Annie KIDS, Teen Intensive. Has online payment been completed? *
Is there anything else we should know about your camper so that we can help them have a great week?
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