Amenity Card Request Form
Waikoloa Village Association amenities include The Village Course, the WVA Aquatic Center, as well as two Tennis Courts. The Aquatic Center and the Tennis Course are accessible to WVA members only. Although the Village Course is open to the public, WVA Owners will receive a significant discount when they show their current Owner Amenity Card at the Pro Shop.

Each property has (2) Owner Cards* and (2) Tenant/Guest cards available to current WVA Members in good standing (replacement cards available for $25 each). These cards are permanent and have their expiration tied to an electronic system updated with each dues payment. A SINGLE CARD GETS UP TO FIVE PEOPLE INTO THE POOL. Please use this form to request your amenity cards.

*Owner Cards will be issued to only individuals whose names appear on the recorded Deed of record in the WVA's Administration Office. Membership held under a Trust: Only the Trustee will be issued an Owner Card (Proof of Trusteeship needs to be provided). Membership held under a Corporation or Limited Partnership: Owner Cards will be issued to two (2) of the Corporation or Limited Partnership's Officers (Proof of Officers must be provided).

PLEASE READ: WE DO NOT MAIL YOU YOUR CARDS, THEY MUST BE PICKED UP IN PERSON FROM OUR OFFICE ON 68-1792 MELIA ST. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Post Office does not allow us to mail you your cards. Our office is open Monday-Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM, closed from 12:30 PM to 1 PM for lunch.

This is not a form for replacement of existing cards. If you need replacement cards, please stop by our office.
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Date *
Your Last Name *
Your First Name *
Email Address *
We will use this email address to let you know your cards are ready for pick up from our office.
Phone Number
Enter your phone number using the following format: ###-###-####
Physical Address of WVA Property *
Customer/Member Number *
This number is on your Amenity Card as well as on your Annual Statements.
Mailing Address
Have you submitted payment for your dues already?
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Are you a WVA Homeowner, Tenant or Guest or a Property Manager?
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