Rising Scholars New Student Interest Form 23/24
Please answer the following questions and a Rising Scholars team member will reach out to you.
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Last and First Name: *
Student ID Number: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
How many units are you enrolled in? *
0 Punkte
Major/Area of Interest at Mesa: *
Have you ever been incarcerated? *
0 Punkte
Are you currently in a transitional reentry program? (CCTRP/MCRP)
If you are in a CCTRP program, please confirm you are phase 2 or 3. *
Have you previously attended college?   *
If yes, were the classes taken while you were incarcerated? *
Preferred way to contact you *
How did you hear about Rising Scholars? *
Are you an EOPS student? *
Do you receive services from the following programs?
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