Spring 24 Etiquette Luncheon - Nomination Form
The Career Development Center is excited to host in partnership with SGA, an Etiquette Luncheon on Friday, April 19 , 2024 from 12:00 -2:30 pm.  The event will be held off-campus at Twin Lakes Country Club. Transportation will be provided.

This event is by invitation only and space is limited. Nominations are due by April 5, 2024.

The Etiquette Luncheon is an afternoon of learning how to conduct oneself with proper dining and business etiquette in professional situations over a multi-course meal. 

Students will receive instruction on etiquette topics and have time to visit with fellow  guests, practice skills, laugh and get to know each other. As a bonus, they will receive a pamphlet of tips and reminders to take with them.

Please use the form below to nominate a student who you believe would enjoy and benefit from this event! 
*Please inform students when they are nominated.

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Your Name (first and last name)
Your  Email Address
Student First Name  *
Student Last Name
Student L Number
Please share a brief description why you are nominating the student *
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