2023 Employment Application
Thank you for your interest in working at Alaska Wildland Adventures. Please be sure you familiarize yourself with our organization and values. We look forward to receiving your application!

Directions: Please complete all of the information requested for the position(s) that you are applying for. We encourage all applicants to apply for more than one position should your first choice not be available. Please type in your answers in the spaces provided.

Notes: You will not be able to save and come back to your application. Please take your time, but do not exit out of your browser until you are finished, or you will have to start over from the beginning.  If you are having any difficulty, please contact our Hiring Coordinator at summerjobs@alaska-wildland.com.

We are requiring all applicants to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Who were you referred by and/or how did you hear about us? *
Our training season begins in early May and we typically wrap up operations in the second week of September.  We prefer applicants are available for the duration of our operating season.
Esborra la selecció
If you are not available for the whole season, what dates are you available?
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