EES Student Symposium Abstract Submission
If you plan on presenting at the symposium, please submit your abstract here. Submitting an abstract does not guarantee a presentation type or time. The number, type, and ending time of sessions is dependent on participation.

Abstracts are due Friday March 4th, 2022 (but feel free to submit over the weekend).

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What is your university email address? *
Please enter your name as it should appear in the program *
Please enter your name as it is pronounced (example: Sydney = sid-nee) *
What is your 1st preferred presentation type? *
What is your 2nd preferred presentation type? This is not required if you only prefer one type.
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What is your 3rd preferred presentation type? This is not required if you only prefer two types.
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Please provide the title of your presentation. *
Please write out or copy & paste your abstract below (200 word limit). *
If you have any time restrictions on your presentation time please specify below.
The Earth and Environmental Science Graduate Student Organization may be taking pictures and recording presentations during this event. By submitting an abstract, you are giving permission of visual and audio recordings of your presentation. If you would like to opt out of this, please select the option below.
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Do you have a really great picture of the awesome research you do? How about a photo of you in your favorite field location? Would you like this picture to be featured in the program? Email with your picture and a short description!
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