Mixed Berries Club Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in joining the Mixed Berries!

The “Mixed Berries” is a casual social club, committed to making an inclusive space for students of mixed race(s) to bond with other students in a comfortable, welcoming way that strays away from a traditional, formal format. From sport sampling to local outings, we aim to foster a community of social inclusion and identity bonding.

Anyone of any cultural or ethnic background is welcome to join the Mixed Berries! We are a social club and most events are open invite-- so bring your friends! 

Fill out this form and we will be in contact with you soon concerning socials and formal meetings throughout the school year!
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First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Pronouns *
Year in School *
Major(s)/Minor(s) *
How did you find out about the Mixed Berries? *
How do you self-describe your ethnicity / cultural background? (optional)
Any questions for the club? (optional)
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