TSI Remote Testing Request - Please allow up to 3-5 business days to process your request.
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Student ID (Banner ID - 90xxxxxxx) *
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) *
Address 1 *
Address 2
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State *
Zip Code *
If other specify
Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
Gender *
Self-Description *
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Are you taking the TSI for Dual Credit/ Early College high school or retesting a section? If yes, proceed to next question. If no, skip next question
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Order Confirmation Receipt #

Dual Credit/ Early College/retest vouchers will not be processed until payment is received. To make a payment visit the SPC Virtual Business Office at https://secure.touchnet.com/C20015_ustores/web/store_cat.jsp?STOREID=1&CATID=6. Testing is $12 per section or $32 for the full exam.

The TSI Assessment is currently administered remotely from home. All vouchers will be created for Examity - available 24 hours everyday. Note that Examity has a $25 proctor fee.  *
What subject(s) are you needing to take (ELAR/Math)?
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