Fall Group Supervision
This is a monthly group of up to 5 participants that meets 4 times over the course of September thru December on weekdays between 9am and 2pm. 

We are considering an in person offering and a zoom offering. 

Please share your info below to help us arrange details. Cost will be $140 for the semester and participation/presence is expected at all meetings even if you are not the focus person. 
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Name *
Email *
Do you prefer in person or online supervision? *
Check all boxes that work for you: What days can you make yourself available for an hour and a half between the hours of 9am to 2pm? *
Is there anything else you would like me to know about scheduling?
How long have you practiced as a spiritual director? *
Is there anything you want to share about your supervision experience in the past? *
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Este formulario se creó en Westhope United Presbyterian Church. Denunciar abuso