Victoria Park Stories
Do you have a Victoria Park story you would like to share?

Colin Boyd Shafer is a Kitchener-born documentary photographer launching a visual project that highlights, through contemporary portraiture and old archival photographs, the city's deep connection to Victoria Park. This series will be shared online, through social media, and will become an exhibition to be displayed here in K-W. You can follow the project's Instagram account @victoriaparkkitchener
Boyd Shafer has a decade of experience putting together large-scale award-winning visual projects and his work has been featured in National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, and The Globe & Mail. If you would like to see more of Boyd Shafer's work please visit

If you have a story you would like to share about Victoria Park, please fill out the form below.

By submitting this form you consent to have the information provided used by creator Colin Boyd Shafer for all things related to this Victoria Park series (for example: online content, exhibition, publicity). Your contact information will not be shared. This project is not affiliated with the City of Kitchener.

****A huge thank you to the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund for generously supporting this project with a 2021-22 grant.

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1. What is your name?   *
2. What city do you live in?
3. What is your Victoria Park story? *details are appreciated* *
4. Would you be interested in having your portrait taken by Colin Boyd Shafer and included in this series? *
5. If you answered yes to #4, is there a particular season of the year which would be best to take your portrait?
6. If you answered yes to #4, is there a particular spot in Victoria Park where you would like to have your portrait taken? (ideally it's connected to your story)
7. Do you have a particular item that is relevant to Victoria Park or your story that could be included in your portrait or could be photographed/scanned separately? If yes, please write about the item.
Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form!
Boyd Shafer will be sure to reach out ASAP, either to set up a photo shoot or to keep you updated with the project! You can always contact him at or on social media @colinboydshafer. Be sure to follow @victoriaparkkitchener
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