PTO Feedback Form: October Reading Month
Please fill out this feedback form to help us improve upon our events at the CC campus.
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Please pick one option for each event below.
No Change Needed, Well Done
Needs Fine-Tuning
Needs Major Improvement
Book Donation Drive
Crescent Moon Book Fair
Book Readings & Activity with Ms. Yasmeen
"Our Islamic Heritage: Palestine" Community Event
Please answer the following questions. *
Would you prefer electronic submission forms for the Read-A-Thon?
Did you like the selection of books at the Book Fair?
Would you prefer "Kid-free" times after drop-off to look through the Book Fair?
Would you prefer to have the Book Fair during Parent Teacher Conferences?
Would you like to have the Book Fair open at a time later in the afternoon or night?
Would you like to have this type of Book Fair again in the Spring?
Did you like the Book Readings about Palestine hosted by Ms. Yasmeen?
Would you prefer to have the book readings after school hours?
Did you like the idea behind "Our Islamic Heritage Event?"
Did you like the execution of the event titled "Our Islamic Heritage?"
Would you have preferred having the "Our Islamic Heritage" Event later in the afternoon?
Would you like to see more events like this, highlighting different parts of the Muslim world?
If you have any additional suggestions for improvement or general comments, please share them below.
If you would like to join the PTO to suggest or pursue certain initiatives, please add your email address below. May Allah reward you for your efforts in providing a better school experience for our children!
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