GENERATOR: Pestilence Part 1 Chorus And Supernumerary Calls
For the production of: "GENERATOR: Pestilence Part 1"  
A 2 week run of performances beginning  February 20, 2020 at La MaMa E.T.C. at 66 East 4th Street New York City.
Please complete and you'll be notified with the date(s), Location(s), and time(s) of the call(s).

The call will happen at
182 Avenue C New York, NY 10003
(Btwn 11th & 12th Streets in the East Village)
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Your First Name *
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TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF (influences, interests, experience, background related to your interest in being a part of this) *
HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS (Who recommended this to you or where/how did you see/hear about this call)?
Email: Telephone Messages: 212-529-8815
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