Savannah R3 School District Volunteer & Chaperone Application
Thank you for your interest in volunteering in the Savannah R3 School District. We appreciate your partnership in the education of our children! 

For the safety of all students and staff, anyone who volunteers or attends a field trip must have a completed application and a cleared criminal background check on file. 

There is a cost associated with obtaining a background check that is not covered by the District.  

All students, staff, and volunteers must adhere to the policies and procedures of the Savannah R3 School District.
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Email *
Legal First Name *
Middle Initial
Legal Last Name *
Other Names (if applicable)
Email Address *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Primary Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact's Phone Number(s) *
Have you previously volunteered for Savannah R3? *
Are you currently Employed by Savannah R3, Durham Bus Company, or Penmac? *
If yes, please list your current position
What is your affiliation with Savannah R3? (please check all that apply) *
Which site(s) do you wish to volunteer? (please check all that apply) *
Do you have a child or children at one or more of the building you wish to volunteer in? If so, please list each child's first and last name along with the building in which they are enrolled.  
Check any specific roles in which you might be interested in serving. *
Have you ever entered a plea of guilty, nolo contender, or no contest to any state or federal felony charge?  (This includes criminal cases involving a deferred sentence, deferred judgment, suspended sentence, and any expunged charges) *
If yes, please explain, giving dates
Have you ever entered a plea of guilty, nolo contender, or no contest to any state or federal misdemeanor involving an illegal substance, child abuse or neglect, or illegal sexual activity?  (This includes criminal cases involving a deferred sentence, deferred judgment, suspended sentence, and any expunged charges) *
If yes, please explain, giving dates
Have you ever been required to register as a sex offender in any state? *
If yes, please explain, giving dates
Are you currently on supervised probation or parole for any criminal charge (This does not include unsupervised probation for traffic offenses) *
If yes, please explain, giving dates
This document agreed to by the applicant, will serve as written consent and agreement to the following: I authorize Savannah R3 Schools to request a criminal background and child abuse registry history.  The information obtained shall be considered confidential by Savannah R3 Schools.  I will abide by Savannah R3 policies, guidelines and volunteer protocol, confidentiality, and be permitted to become a screened volunteer with the Savannah R3 Schools.  All volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.  Please type your full name in the box below.   By typing your name below you are signing this application in writing and by submitting this form you agree to the term above and verify that the information provided is accurate.   *
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