Green Dot Training Registration Sign Up

As part of our ongoing efforts to create a safe and supportive campus environment, we are bringing the renowned Green Dot program to Butler and are looking for students to participate in our full bystander intervention training workshops.  Each training is 3-hours long and provides students with the understanding and techniques needed to to recognize unhealthy and potentially violent behaviors and provides the tools to prevent violence from happening on campus, as well as strategies for how to create a campus where violence is never welcome to begin with.  We promise a fun and interactive experience that will leave you inspired to make a difference on campus.

Sign up for our next training date!

Friday, Feb. 7 | 2pm-5pm (HRC 154)
Friday, Mar. 28 | 2pm-5pm (HRC 154)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Your Email
Date of Training
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