A Newsletter of Humorous Writing's "Old Favorites" Mail Bag
Is there a piece you'd like us to highlight in our Old Favorite section? We'd love to hear about it, and may feature your pick in a future edition of the newsletter! (We just ask that you not submit your own writing--please pick an old favorite that someone else has written!)
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
Where can our readers find out more about you? Your website, your twitter, etc.?
Paste a link to the piece you've picked here: *
Paste your writeup of the piece here. (Some questions to consider: What do you like about this piece? What does it do well? Take a look at past old favorite writeups in the newsletter for inspiration!) *
Please proofread your writeup and make it presentable so that we can copy and paste it without having to edit it!
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