Share your news!
Have news to share? Your classmates want to know! Share your accomplishments and life updates with Milton and your classmates by completing this form. Submissions may be edited for brevity and shared on social media, in an email to alumni, and/or in Milton Magazine. The deadline for submissions for the Spring 2025 issue was January 10. We are now accepting submissions for the Fall 2025 issue! 
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What is your full name? *
What is your preferred nickname?
How are you connected to Milton Academy? *
What is your class and/or parent year(s)?
Please select a category for your class note.
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What is the news you would like to share?
Notes should be written in the third person and should reference the name of the alum in the first sentence. If you reference other Milton alumni, please be sure to include their full names and class years. Milton reserves the right to make edits for accuracy, grammar, style, and brevity.
Please email photos to and provide a photo caption below, including the names and class years for all individuals pictured.
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