Each One, Plant One Movement
Welcome to Tree Ganesha's Global Movement 'Each One, Plant One Movement'.

The Covid 19 panademic has made it clear how important Oxygen and our immune system are for our body!

Trees and nature play the most important role in increasing oxygen, reducing pollution and strengthening our immunity.

But unfortunately due to the lack of green cover, the air quality index is poor and the urban areas have many pollutants present in the air.

Our entire planet is facing a threat from extreme Climate crisis and global warming. Let us not lose hope in the face of these statistics and dire situation.

In India every year millions of people celebrate the Ganesha festival with a lot of devotion, faith and enthusiasm.

'Hearts at Work Foundation' every year celebrates Tree Ganesha with a noble cause to promote tree plantation and save Environment.

In 2018, Tree Ganesha was launched with a special theme of Energy conservation and environmental protection.

In 2019  the celebration of Tree Ganesha was based on the Global theme of The Champions of the Earth, acknowledging their environmental initiatives and fight against pollution.

In the last couple of years Tree Ganesha got widely acclaimed and supported nationally.Thousands of Trees and Plants were distributed and planted during the celebrations.

The Theme of Tree Ganesha 2020 is 'Each One plant One' a pledge of planting and taking care of a tree or plant for a lifetime.

Together we Indians can make this Ganesha festival the Biggest opportunity to serve Mother Earth and showcasing the culture of Incredible India  "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (Entire World is our family)to the world.

Do you realise how a small step in this direction will historically impact our country and Mother Nature?

To be a part of this massive movement for 'Tree Ganesha'

Please fill your details in the form provided here, sign the Pledge and upload the photo of your plantation here. Our Team will be happy to share you the digital certificate for your contribution.

Together We can and We will make a Difference!

Jai Hind 🇮🇳
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